Mentoring Across Generations & MBTI Type

Of the four MBTI® dichotomies, the Perceiving Function with the psychologically opposite preferences of Sensing and Intuition are most important in terms of your communication style, teaching style, learning style and mentoring style. So behaviorally, in interactions with one another, you will spot differences early and often in actions, as well as in speech. Everyone uses both these perceiving tools and has a “preference” and a trust for one over, and often at the exclusion of, the other. If you are in a mentoring partnership with someone of the opposite preference from you on this dichotomy, these reminders will be useful.

Sensing (S)

For those of you in the mentoring partnership who prefer Sensing (S) –remember, if you are engaging primarily with the world through your five senses, you are going to be “here and now” focused. You think in the past and in the present because it is the present where your senses are. In the past, you have a record, an archive, an imprint of the sensory impressions you have collected in the past. So, with a preference for approaching your mentoring role as a Sensor, you will tend to be past and present focused and your “linear-like” questions and attention will reflect that preference most often. Your communication gift is that you are detailed, practical, and sequential. Your focus will mainly be on what is immediate, practical and real. You live this life as it is rather than regularly attempting/desiring to change the business and/or the world. While sensing perceptions are naturally your gift, if your mentoring partner values Intuitive perceptions in communicating, you will notice it in various forms — “thinking outside the box,” new ideas, complex questions and future possibilities. This type of communication may stress you. It may feel like a “waste of time” and cause you to tune out. Use this relationship as an opportunity to lean in to your discomfort and ask probing questions so as not to miss the implications and meanings of important information being communicated and/or requested. Self-awareness is a key to your mentoring communication success.

Intuition (N)

For those of you who prefer Intuition (N) – you are not as tied to the “here and now.” You may be living in or visualizing the future, thinking of the big picture, abstractions, connections, meanings and imaginations as you listen to your partner and absorb the often complex and futuristic external challenges of the environment. You will be far more into the future, into the possibility, into generalities. You will likely process data more intensely than your mentor partner who prefers Sensing (S) because you naturally trust your “sixth sense” or intuition about any given topic. Good at spotting patterns and taking a high-level view, as opposed to digging into the detail, linear thinking/probing, you like new ideas and are inspired by the “what could be” and rather bored with the “what is.” You will tend to have a focus on and a hope/plan to change the world rather than continue to live in what you may consider, an “imperfect present.” While intuitive perceptions are naturally your gift, they also become a challenge when communicating with a mentor partner who values sensing perceptions. Your intuitive data gathering process may, at times, be too complex, unrealistic and time consuming especially when it comes to communicating about a matter where a more simple focus on specific facts and answers could/will resolve/explain an issue at hand. Self-awareness is a key to your learning and communication success.

Stay tuned for reminders of the other dichotomies as well, one at a time. I’d love to hear your stories, questions and/or feedback regarding this Sensing-Intuition post. Mostly, how was it helpful?

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