About Hile Rutledge

Hile Rutledge is widely acknowledged to be one of America’s leading master trainers in the field of both the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and the EQ-i 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence) assessment. As the President and Principal Consultant of OKA, his work as author, keynote speaker and subject matter expert also extends to the fields of Generational Diversity, Narrative Intelligence, Archetypes, Conflict Management, Teambuilding and Communications. Hile is a certified practitioner in the use of most leading Organization Development psychometric instruments, including the SDI, FIRO-B, KGI, TKI and many others.

Hile is the author of the bestsellers Typetalk at Work, MBTI® Introduction Workbook , EQ Workbook and the co-author of Generations: Bridging the Gap with Type, Narrative Intelligence Workbook, and Portraits of Jung Type Behavior®.

Hile is an expert organization development consultant, trainer and public speaker with a personal background in management, sales, adult education and leadership development. He is much in demand as a consultant by senior leaders in the Federal government and private sector, in addition to his work with OD and HR professionals.

During his career, Hile has found success in archaeology, public relations, sales management, career counseling and organization development consulting. Hile has a BA in Humanities from Hampden-Sydney College and an MS in Organization Development from the American University (AU/NTL). Hile resides with his wife, Jessie, and two sons in Falls Church, Virginia.

Hile Rutledge, MSOD

Senior Associate

Organization development expert, trainer and national speaker; in demand consultant to the Federal government and private sector; President and Principal OKA. oka-online.com

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