Gravitas and Leadership

The greatest career privilege I have is as a thought partner to executives who are continuing their professional development journey. Whether my client selects to partner with me reluctantly (initially), as a result of significant others recommending/insisting on a need for fine-tuning some executive behaviors that have become too costly, or whether an executive comes of their own desire to improve their executive presence, there is a humility needed that allows the person to grow, develop and most importantly, change behaviors.

One of the most important concepts I impart to my clients of all ages is gravitas. Gravitas is one of the main components of executive presence, which is a core characteristic shared by all successful professionals. Akin to confidence, the word derives from the Latin gravitas, meaning weight, and from gravis, meaning heavy. The word signifies that those who display gravitas are grounded, possess sound judgment, convey a substance or a depth of personality, and demonstrate a serious way of behaving.  For the ancient Romans, it was rated among the highest of the fifteen virtues needed to attain a reputable position in society.

Performance Consulting employs EQ-i® 2.0 360° tools, MBTI® psychological assessments and proven performance practices to help executives improve gravitas — their poise, emotional intelligence, confidence and authenticity — all key qualities in their ability to lead and yield influence. Importantly, leaders who pursue true gravitas understand the constant tension between their outer and inner worlds (extravert and introvert) and discern the importance of this English proverb: “Be not deceived with the first appearance of things, for show is not substance.”

Join us in 2016 and benefit from executive programs that deliver customized leadership analysis for heightened self-awareness — learn about the authentic leader inside and achieve gravitas through performance consulting.