Generation Translation – Gen X & Millennials

2016 has been off to a great start with many generations events highlighting our new workbook, Generation Translation: Tools for Bridging the Gap.

Hile Rutledge and I have spent the better part of our careers helping businesses grow by helping them better understand the importance of relationship building.

School House Rock

Our new workbook and its accompanying materials are all designed to help tell each Generations’ story.

And the story starts where we meet the traditionalist — the drama of the war and depression and everything that flows from that.  Here are the characters shaping events and here are the heroes and what was going on at the culture. Thanks to Hile, we look at the movies and music as a mirror which brilliantly leads to ways that connect with technology.  That rolls up into what each generation brings to work and what are their attitudes and how are they Generation Translationshowing up in the workplace — in relationships to others. This then brings us to how they parented which leads us to the Baby Boomers and so we offer a rich look at the traditionalists and move to the Baby Boomers. The idea is to show how these are all generational puzzle pieces that fit together and lead us to the world of Generation X, the Millennials and the Cloud Generation.

Our workbook and PowerPoint slides help you do a deep dive on the four generations in today’s workplace. You’ll be glad you did!